As you can imagine, your menu is one of the secrets of Cafe World domination. But how do you know what to cook? Cafe World time is one way.
By Cafe World time, I mean when and how much you are playing the game. This is suer important for two reasons. Mess this up, and your cafe will be in trouble. Get this right and watch the money roll in.
You need to choose meals that fit with your playing time. Some foods, like bacon cheeseburgers, cook in just a few minutes. Others, like spitfire roasted chicken, take all day to cook. This matters because someone (you) need to be playing when your meals come out of the oven. The food needs to get to the serving counters, and it is your responsibility to get it there.
Throw in a batch of bacon cheeseburgers right before you stop playing for the day, and your cafe will have flies while you have a pile of rotting food to clean up when you get back in tomorrow. Throw in the spitfire roasted chicken on the other hand, and you'll have no problems because it will likely still be cooking when you get back.
Another angle to consider is the number of servings each meal produces. Guests will keep coming to your cafe even if you aren't logged into Facebook. That means you need to be sure there's something for your wait staff to serve during the entire time you are away from the game.
If there isn't enough food for everyone that visits your cafe, your Buzz Level will go down and your customers become less likely to come back again. Making this even worse, every customer who leaves without food symbolizes money you've lost by not having your menu match your game time.
Farmville Tip : Play Like an Expert!
*I*t's pretty easy to earn a few ribbons in FarmVille. As you just go about
your daily tasks, you'll wind up accomplishing at least some of the early
15 years ago
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