Have you played social networking games similar to Cafe World before? If so, you have probably exchanged gifts with other players. It's a cute thing to do, but generally has no effect on the game.
In this game however, gifts can be very important. Knowing how to get these gifts will certainly help you in your quest for a bigger, better restaurant and overall Cafe World domination.
Just to refresh your memory, gifts are so important because they give you special items to serve at your cafe. When you do so, you get extra coins for each guest in the place. Gifts are an easy way to earn more coins to expand and decorate your restaurant.
Because gifts in this game bring you extra coins, you want to receive as many gifts as possible. Likewise, your neighbors will greatly appreciate any gifts you send them.
Getting lots of gifts is great, but for that to happen, you need to get lots of neighbors. Each person can only give out a limited number of gifts per day, so theoretically, the more neighbors you have, the more gifts you'll be able to accumulate.
That assumes that your neighbors want to give you gifts and keep giving you gifts. To make that happen, you need to do something for them: give them gifts and keep giving them gifts!
Just as in the real world, one good turn deserves another, and if you are diligent about giving your friends gifts, they're likely to reciprocate. You'll all benefit from the increased income that results.
Farmville Tip : Play Like an Expert!
*I*t's pretty easy to earn a few ribbons in FarmVille. As you just go about
your daily tasks, you'll wind up accomplishing at least some of the early
15 years ago
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